
Emergency Preparedness Committee

Best Practices Surge Planning

Emergency Preparedness Committee Membership

  • Natalie Lane, MD; Chair, Augusta
  • Chamaine Bjornson; Columbus
  • Kristina Herndon; Atlanta
  • Lisa Koons; Savannah
  • Kristopher Mattson; Atlanta
  • Lynne Meadows; Fulton County Schools
  • Rebecca Reamy, MD; Columbus
  • Joel Rice; Atlanta
  • Brent Smith; Columbus
  • Cheryl Walls-Benner; Atlanta
  • Sam Sindelar
  • Mallory Garrett, GHA
  • David Greenky, Emory
  • Alex Isakov, MD, Southern Regional Disaster
  • Stephen Ramsey, Macon
  • Christopher Watson, Augusta
  • Joseph Webber, Augusta

Emergency Preparedness Goals

Maintain communication among member hospitals on issues in health and welfare of Georgia’s children as it relates to large scale illness and mitigation and preparation for disaster.
  • Leverage the use of Everbridge as a potential mode of communication among each PHIC EP committee member during a disaster.
    • Testing at least quarterly
    • Use call down drill to test downtime process
  • Identify a pediatric champion at the level of each of the 15 Healthcare Coalitions in Georgia.
    • Work with GHA, CHOA and Region G
  • Incorporate the use of GaHIN in any upcoming drills
    • Ensure that each member hospital incorporates in its annual drills
Participate, develop, promote, and disseminate educational opportunities relevant to pediatric disaster preparedness using support from the pediatric regional coordinating hospital and allocated funding and resources.
  • CHOA decontamination programTo disseminate and help develop offerings regarding pediatric disaster preparedness
    • Use PHIC Listserv as a platform for disseminationPHIC websiteUpload links to relevant resourcesPost minutes from monthly meetings
Engage PHIC and its member hospitals in supporting the pediatric hospital designation process for the state of Georgia.
  • Participate as a stakeholder
  • Follow up on the status ASPR TRACI Pediatric Annex for hospitals (2019)Follow up on the EMS-C Pediatric. Readiness Survey results to identify areas of weakness in preparedness (2020).Participate in an annual state tabletop disaster drill to identify gaps.
Review EMS-C pediatric readiness survey to identify areas of weakness in disaster preparedness
PHIC member hospitals to participate in an annual state tabletop disaster drill to identify gaps.
Secure representation from pediatric facilities across the state to sit on the committee.
Incorporate All- hazard approach to pediatric preparedness in addition to the clinical discussion already in place.
Engage and coordinate opportunities with SRDRS
Emergency Preparedness Committee Access